
04 December 2020

Stop Human Trafficking by Utilizing Microsoft Technology

This project changed my whole life. I was just a normal college student who just study from book, do semester test, do assignment, then go home. My first year was so flat. Then I met my destiny here. I found that I could do more than that. I realized that I don’t want to be just a normal college student. If I were going to write a biography book, definitely will put this story up 😄

Anyway this project had been chosen as one of Top 5 projects at Imagine Cup 2009: Egypt. There was a special category named Suzanne Mubarak Awards that time. Since we were chosen, our team got a flight ticket to Egypt to present the works. Well, short story, in there I saw a lot of technology showcases that I thought was impossible to exist, but it was there! Since that time, I always thought that I can do more with technology. It’s not only to develop an sophisticated technology, but also to help other people’s life.


Back to Traffstopper, simply, it is to prevent human trafficking happened around the world. We all know that the victim has no courage to report, because they are scared, or there are no media to do that easily. So we built one.

Proposed Solution

At that time, integrated system was very sophisticated. Not many platforms had it. Our team, using Microsoft Technology, built an integrated system, between the law enforcement, family and the victims. The victim can report about trafficking. Not only the victim, but everyone who witness, and want to report, can use the app. The report will go to the nearest law enforcement, so that the help will come faster. And also will be delivered to the relatives.